Features and Benefits
4-Shelf First Aid Cabinet ANSI B+ compliant. Solid steel case comes with a carrying handle and is wall mountable. Contents exceed the 2015 ANSI Class B requirements and are sufficient to treat 150 to 200 people.
100 Fabric Bandages 1" x 3"
1 Tri-cut Waterproof Tape Spool.
25 Triple Antibiotic Ointment Packs
50 BZK Antiseptic Towelettes
1 CPR Mask
2 Burn Dressing, 4" x 4"
1 Burn Spray, 4oz
1 Cold Compress, 6" x 9"
3 Eyewash, 1oz, with Eye Pads & Strips
1 Eyewash, 4oz
1 Hand Sanitizer, 4oz
10 Nitrile Gloves
10 Conforming Gauze Roll, 2"
1 Scissors
48 Gauze Dressing Pad, 2" x 2" & 3" x 3"
1 Trauma Pad, 5" x 9"
2 Triangular Sling/Bandage, 40" x 40" x 56"
1 Sterile Gauze Bandage, 4" x 4yd
1 Padded Splint, 4" x 24"
1 Tourniquet
1 First Aid Guide
1 Antiseptic Spray, 4oz
250 Aspirin Tablets
250 Ibuprofen
1 Tweezers
1 Elastic Bandage 4" x 5yd
40 Knuckle Fabric Bandage
40 Fingertip Fabric Bandage
50 Povidone-Iodine Infection Control Wipe.
100 Plastic Bandage, 1" x 3"
100 Alcohol Cleansing Pad
50 Non-Stick Pad, 3" x 4"
4 Hemma-Flex 5" x 9" Trauma Pad in 4" x 4" gauze, 2 gloves
250 Antacid Tablets
25 Elbow & Knee Bandage
10 Ammonia Inhalants
2 Trauma Pad, 5" x 9"
Product Information
Size 1,436 Pieces Return Period 365 -
Lake City, FL In Stock